- Facilitated finance and fund rising
- Strategic planning and financial planning on regional, national and EU funds
- Managing, monitoring and reporting regional, national and EU projects
- Evaluation of regional, national and EU projects
- Socio-economic studies and territorial analysis
- Market and industry analysis and positioning studies on foreign markets
- Advice in the economic sector and local development
The following are the main projects carried out as VR or by the administrative partners in previous work experiences.
The projects are organised in the following thematic areas:
- Building partnerships and submitting new projects
- Evaluation of co-financed programmes on public funds
- Assistance in tendering procedures
- Consultant varies
| Grant application on the Reg. EU 1144/2014
Analysis of requirements, construction of the international partnership and preparation of the application for contribution to be applied forand Call 2017-2018-2019-2020 – Simple and multiple 2017-2018-2019-programmes of the EU Regulation 1144/2014 for information activities and promotion of QUALITY agri-food products DOP. 3 multiple programs funded - 3 simple programmes funded
| Grant Application on Creative Europe programme
Analysis of requirements, construction of the international partnership and preparation of the application for contribution to be applied for on The Call EACEA 32/2019 – Creative Europe – European Cooperation Programmes, Small Scale.
| CMO Wine Programs Promotion Third Countries
Analysis of requirements, strategic and financial planning, submission of applications for contribution of the CMO Wine promotion programs Third Countries on regional, multi-regional and national funds – annuities 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020
More than 20 projects submitted and approved
| Cooperation programmes in short supply chain PSR Operation 16.4.1.
Analysis of requirements, financial planning and preparation of applications for contributions to be applied for operation 16.4.1. of the Rural Development Plan 2014/2020 Piedmont region for cooperation activities in short supply chain related to quality agricultural and food products, for a dozen local groupings.
| PSR promotion programs, Operation 3.2.1.
Analysis of requirements, management of local partnerships and preparation of applications for contributions to be applied forOperation 3.2.1. of the Rural Development Plan 2014/2020 Piedmont Region for information actions and promotion of quality agricultural and food products for more than 20 projects financed from 2016.
| Innovation Programmes in Agriculture PSR Operation 16.1.1.
Analysis of requirements, partnership management and preparation of applications for contributions to be applied for Operation 16.1.1. Rural Development Plan 2014/2020 Piedmont Region for the establishment of PEI operational groups (3 applications submitted and funded)
| Evaluation of the results of programmes funded on THE EU 1144/2014
Coordination of activities for the implementation of the evaluation study of the results of the promotion and information actions of 6 Simple and Multiple programmes,financedi by the EU Regulation 1144/2014:
Assignment held in collaboration with the University of Turin, DISAFA – Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences
| Evaluation of the results of the OCM Wine Promotion Third Countries
Assignments for the evaluation of the results of more than 20 programmes funded on the OCM Wine Promotion Third Country, starting in 2013.
Assignments carried out in collaboration with the University of Turin, DISAFA – Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences
| Promotional program to apply on Sardinia regional law
Participation in the Working Group for Assistance and Advice to carry out the activities for the implementation of the study to evaluate the results of the promotion and information actions as part of a programme funded on the ARGEA Bando 28 November 2016.
| Application for contribution to apply on THE EU 1144/2014
Assistance in the preparation ofe i i degli organismi incaricati thetecnics andinthe implementation of the tender procedure for the selection of the enforcement and evaluation bodies in charge of the implementation and control of the activities included in the 4 promotional programmes that are the subject of the applicationfor the contribution to be applied for and Call 2018-2019-2020 – Simple and multiple programmes of the EU Regulation 1144/2014 for information activities and promotion of European quality agricultural products .
| Tecnical evaluation for a dispute over misuse of public funds
Support for wine-producing organisations in preparing submissions for a verbal dispute, which focuses on the misuse of public funds.
| Unipol CRU Tables
Assistance to activities related to the realization of a cycle of seminary appointments aimed at laying the groundwork for integrated design activities with local actors. The CRU Tables are composed of representatives of Unipol's Member Organizations (CGIL, CISL, UIL, CIA, CNA; Legacoop, Confesercenti) and Unipol structures dedicated to the development of relations with territorial organisations and territorial corporate responsibility.
A task carried out in collaboration with Turin North West Ltd. social enterprise
| Territorial analysis of land diagnoses
Collaboration in the realization of the diagnosis of the territory in preparation for the development of the 2014/2020 Local Development Plan of a Piedmont LAG. The areas of analysis were the demographic context, work and economic structure, local activities, services and accessibility.
| Business plan development
Business plan development for new company in the e-commercesector, with study of pricing policies in the luxury market and analysis of the positioning strategy on social networks.
| Economic impact assessment
Economic impact assessment on the Tanaro valley following the construction of mini-hydro power plants
RV STUDIO SRL © 2020 p.iva 03875710042